The Association of SCUBA Service Engineers and Technicians has developed Standards, Codes of Practice and Procedures against which IDEST will independently inspect and assess Center that apply for IDEST Approval.
Each Center will be sent an annual declaration form, the purpose of which is to highlight any changes that have occurred since the center was last inspected. Additionally, for quality assurance purposes the Center will undergo a biennial re-inspection.
In order to retain IDEST Approval, the Center must:
- Complete a declaration(s) (form attached), of compliance with each ASSET Code(s) of Practice for which the Center wishes to maintain IDEST Approval.
- Provide any additional information required by the Chief Engineer.
- Pay the appropriate re-registration fee(s) to IDEST.
- Complete the annual declaration as above.
- Undergo a re-inspection by an IDEST Inspector (This will be similar to the initial inspection).
- Agree a mutually convenient date for the re-inspection, which must normally be carried out within 60 days of the due date (A center with multiple approvals can arrange with IDEST to carry them all out a single visit).
- Pay the appropriate re-registration and re-inspection fee(s).
The re-inspection
Re-inspections are required for quality assurance purposes. The emphasis during re-inspection will be to:
- Confirm that all arrangements are still in place and that any changes in working methods are included in the centers written procedures.
- Check the serviceability of test equipment.
- Check that all calibration certificates are current.
- Ensure that up to date copies of British Standards and ASSET Code(s) of Practice are held on file.
- To confirm Technician qualifications.
A new application and inspection will also be required if:
- There are major changes to the organization or premises.
- Ownership of the Center changes.
Center Approval will cease or be withdrawn if:
- The Center no longer complies with the Approval criteria.
- There are persistent breaches of the Approval criteria.
- If a serious complaint is upheld or cannot be resolved.
- The Center or its Staff brings ASSET or IDEST into disrepute.
- Re-registration and inspection fees are not paid.
- The nominated ASSET Certified Technician leaves or is replaced. **
** The Center must employ Technicians holding the appropriate ASSET Certifications and IDEST informed of any changes.
Center Actions
Annual renewal and biennial inspection
- A Center due for renewal(s) will be sent a renewal pack by IDEST (the pack includes this document a renewal form and a checklist for each type of renewal).
- The Center should use the up to date version of the checklist(s) (included in the renewal pack) to verify that they have the required staff, documents, equipment and facilities for approval.
- The Center management should fill out and send the attached renewal form together with the appropriate re-registration fee(s) to IDEST.
Biennial Inspection only
- When the Center management are satisfied that the Center is ready for Inspection(s), they should fill out and send the attached renewal form together with the appropriate re-registration and re-inspection fee(s) to IDEST.IDEST ActionsAnnual renewal
- On receiving a renewal application and appropriate fees, the IDEST Chief Engineer will consider if any further action is required.
- Where no changes have occurred since the last renewal, or when any remedial actions stated on the form are considered acceptable, the IDEST Chief Engineer will normally grant the appropriate re-registration of Approval(s).
- The chief engineer or an appointed inspector may contact the center for clarification before granting approval(s).
- In circumstances where major changes have taken place or there is reason for concern, the IDEST Chief Engineer may insist on a re-inspection.
Biennial Inspection
- On receiving a renewal application and appropriate fees, the IDEST Chief Engineer or the designated Inspector will contact the Center to arrange an inspection visit. The Inspector will use the opportunity to discuss the re-inspection process so that time will not be wasted due to simple errors and misunderstandings.
- An IDEST Inspector will visit the Center and carry out the re-inspection(s) in accordance with a prepared checklist(s). The Inspector will fill out the checklist(s) and add appropriate comments.
- The Inspector and Center’s representative will sign the completed checklist(s).
- After reviewing a satisfactory inspection report(s) with the Inspector, the IDEST Chief Engineer will normally grant the appropriate re-registration of Approval(s).
Outstanding Items and Re-inspection
- The Inspector will agree outstanding items (if any) and actions to be taken with the Center Management, a copy of which will be left with the Center Management for action.
- The Inspector will submit the list of outstanding items to the Chief Engineer who will confirm the outstanding items and actions to be taken to the Center Management (normally within seven days).
- Any disagreement between the Center Management and the Inspector will be referred to the IDEST Chief Engineer for a determination.
- When the number of items is few and of a non-serious nature, the Chief Engineer may decide that a re-inspection will not be required. Under such circumstances the center will be required to furnish supporting evidence e.g. photographs documents or signed statements as proof of compliance.
- If the Chief Engineer decides that the items outstanding warrant, then a re-inspection will be scheduled for a mutually convenient time and date.
- On satisfactory completion of outstanding items, the Chief Engineer will grant the re-registration of approval(s).
- Every effort within reason will be made to assist the Center to achieve approval.
- The Center may request a re-inspection by a different inspector.
- The cost of any re-inspection(s) will be born by the Center.
Right of appeal
- Normally, in matters of Quality and the maintenance of Standards the IDEST Chief Engineer’s decision will be final.
- Where a decision has been made to withdraw approval (other than for non-payment of fees), the Center shall have the right of appeal.
- Appeals against withdrawal of approval should be made in writing to the Chairman of the SITA Joint Technical Steering Group (TSG) within 21 days.
- The TSG will discuss the relevant issues with the IDEST Chief Engineer and a determination will be agreed.
- The Center will be informed of the result of the appeal within 7 days of the TSG meeting.
- This decision shall be final.
IDEST reserves the right to publish a list of Approved Centers and those centers that are no longer approved together with the reason for withdrawal of approval.
There will be four types of IDEST Approved Center:
- A Center Approved In accordance with ASSET CP1 for the Maintenance or Repair of Open Circuit Underwater Air Breathing Apparatus.
- A Center Approved In accordance with ASSET CP2 for the Periodic Inspection and Testing of Transportable Pressure Receptacles.
- (a) A Center Approved In accordance with ASSET CP1 and CP3 Pt1 for The Maintenance or Repair or Conversion of Open Circuit Underwater Breathing Apparatus for use with Oxygen Enriched Breathing Gases, (Available winter 1999) and/or:(b) A Center Approved In accordance with ASSET CP2* and CP3 Pt2 The Cleaning and Conversion of Transportable Pressure Receptacles and their Valves for use with Oxygen Enriched Breathing Gases. (Available winter 1999)
- (a) A Center Approved In accordance with ASSET CP4 Pt1 for the Preparation and Dispensing of HP Breathing Air(Available spring 2000) and(b) A Center Approved In accordance with ASSET CP4 Pt2 for the Preparation and Dispensing of Oxygen Enriched Breathing Mixtures. (Available spring 2000)* Centers that are not approved for Cylinder Testing may be approved to Oxygen clean cylinders but must comply with certain clauses of ASSET CP2 see ASSET CP3 Pt2
IDEST Approved Center Status
- When re-approval is granted the Center will be sent a Wall Certificate(s) and Window Decal(s) stating which approval(s) the center has been granted and for cylinder testing a Unique Metal Stamp. Each Approval Certificate lasts for one year after which it must be renewed.
- It is a condition of approval that IDEST Approval and ASSET Technicians Certificates are displayed prominently in the public area of the premises.
- If Approval lapses or is withdrawn the Center shall immediately remove any reference to IDEST Approval from its advertising, cease using any unique IDEST stamp mark or label and remove IDEST Approval Certificates and Stickers from public view.
Advertising IDEST Approval by an Agent or collection point
- When another Center acts as an agent or collection point for an IDEST Approved Center the Agent shall not give the impression that it is itself Approved. An agent therefore may not simply display the IDEST number of their Servicing/Testing provider on their premises or in their advertising.
- Such “collection points” may only style themselves as “Agent for IDEST No. …”
- The intention to use an agent(s) shall be declared to IDEST prior to commencement of an agency agreement. Each agent shall be named in the centers procedures.
- The booking in/out and handling procedures to be used for such arrangements shall form part of the Approved Centers written Procedures.
- IDEST Approved Center’s shall be held responsible for the actions of their agents.
- When an Agent arrangement ceases, the Approved Center shall ensure that all reference to IDEST is removed from their former agents premises and advertising.
- It shall be deemed a reason for IDEST to withdraw Approval if an Approved Center allows their Approval number to be used inappropriately
IDEST Inspection fees
The IDEST Committee will set appropriate fees covering:
- Initial registration and inspection for each type of approval.
- Annual re-registration.
- Biennial re-inspection.
- Reductions for multiple inspections on the same day.
- Re-registration and re-inspection fees are non-refundable.
Contact Addresses
- IDEST Approval enquiries
- Copies of ASSET Codes of Practice, Standards and Procedures
- IDEST application forms
- Details of costs
SCUBA Industries Trade Association (SITA)
29 Ravenswood Avenue, West Wickham,
Kent BR4 0PN.
Tel: 0181 777 6740. Fax: 0181 777 3349.
web site www.sita.org.uk
Email [email protected]
- Clarification of Standards and Procedures.
- UK Technician Training and Qualifications.
- ASSET Membership
Association of SCUBA Service Engineers and Technicians. Email [email protected]
South East Asia Pacific
- Dive Industry Technician Training (Thailand)
- Technician Spare Parts Support
- Clarification of Local SEAP Standards
web site www.scubaengineer.com
Email [email protected]