Bauer Servicing Information
All compressor servicing manuals archived on this page are Copyright of the BAUER COMP Holding AG, Munich, Germany.
The online compressor servicing database contains approx 12Gbyte of Bauer servicing and user manuals going back more than 40 years:
- Utilus II, Capitano II, Mariner II, Owners and Service Manual 4.75MegByte download
- Utilus II, Capitano II, Mariner II, Schematics and Parts listing 2.77MegByte download
Important Safety Note:
Only authorized personnel who have completed a recognized course in compressor maintenance and are familiar with the dangers of high pressure compressed gas systems should carry out compressor repairs.
Compressors should only be operated by competent personnel who have undergone a course in compressed air systems operation
Bauer Servicing Videos
Bauer Compressor Servicing Videos – English language
Installation and Service Startup – BAUER Poseidon Edition PE 55o (ENGLISH VERSION)
Installation and Service Startup – BAUER JUNIOR II (ENGLISH VERSION)
Ordering the right Parts and Maintenance Kits (ENGLISH VERSION)
Bauer Compressor Servicing Videos – German language
Die richtigen Wartungssätze und Ersatzteile bestellen
Ölwechsel – BAUER Poseidon Edition PE 100
Ansaugfilterwechsel – BAUER JUNIOR II
Inbetriebnahme – BAUER JUNIOR II Kompressor
Filterpatronenwechsel – BAUER JUNIOR II
Filterpatronenwechsel – BAUER Poseidon Edition PE 100
Ansaugfilterwechsel – BAUER Poseidon Edition PE 100
Inbetriebnahme – BAUER MARINER Kompressor
Ansaugfilterwechsel – BAUER MARINER
Filterpatronenwechsel – BAUER MARINER
Ölwechsel – BAUER Poseidon Edition PE 300
Ansaugfilterwechsel – BAUER Poseidon Edition PE 300
Current Bauer Products
- Important Safety Note: Bauer Filter Housing Lifetime Listing druckgeraete.pdf 1.6Mbyte
- Any compressor pressure vessel’s part numbers that are not found in the table above……..are those that are more than 15 years old and MUST BE REPLACED
- Bauer_USA dive-fire-compressor_brochure-2007.pdf
- Bauer_compressor_workshop_manual_2008.pdf 1.4Mb
- Bauer_p rofi_line_compressor_brochure2_e.pdf 1Mb
- Bauer Aerotest airlab_brochure.pdf 255Kb
Parts and tech data listings
- Junior II_Parts.pdf
- TJunior_parts-2_0.pdf
- accessories.pdf
- aeroguard_scan.pdf
- aero_guard_e_brochure.pdf
- bauer_B_timer_eng_instructions.pdf
- Bauer B Timer_Advanced Instructions & clarifications.pdf
- advantages_of_new_bauer_filling_valve__en_.pdf
- new_filling_valves.pdf
- new_bauer_filling_valve_2007.pdf
- bauer_synthetic_oil_n28355_e.pdf
- cfs2Sm_cfs3Sm_containments_fill_stations.pdf
- condensate_ik_100_&_120.pdf
- condensate_kap_14_old.pdf
- condensate_kap_15_old.pdf
- bauer_ka20-20ed.pdf
- condensate_kap_180_old.pdf
- filling_panels.pdf
- ik100_&_120_old_english.pdf
- ik100_120_ii_english.pdf
- ik12.14_ii_english.pdf
- junior_ii_english.pdf
- k14_&_ik140_blocks.pdf
- k150_&_k180_blocks.pdf
- mini_verticus_ii.pdf
- mini_verticus_old.pdf
- oceanus_english.pdf
- p41_filter.pdf
- p61_filter.pdf
- s30_shooting_compressor.pdf
- storage_bottle_racks.pdf
- utilus_capitano_mariner_manual.pdf
- utilus_capitano_mariner_parts_list.pdf
- Utilus 1994 for Utilus 10 B compressor
- verticus_5_breathing_air_ english.pdf

Breathing Air Compressors available in the 1980s and 1990s
- 3.7Mb
- utilus_capitano_mariner_workshop_manual.pdf 3Mb
- bauer_k14_parts_diagrams.pdf 7.7Mb
- bauer_k14_spare_parts_list.pdf 4.9Mb
- a1-3.pdf
- a1-4.pdf
- a2-8.pdf
- a3-6.pdf a9-3.pdf
- acccat-e.pdf
- b6_5.pdf b7_5.pdf
- condensate_kap14.pdf
- condensate_kap15.pdf
- d1_3.pdf
- e1_1.pdf
- e1_2.pdf
- e3_1.pdf
- e3_2.pdf
- e5_2.pdf
- e5_3.pdf
- f1_1.pdf
- f2_4.pdf
- f3_1.pdf
- ik100_ii4e.pdf
- ik12.14_ii4e.pdf
- k14_8e.pdf
- k15_6E.pdf
- mv2_a-00e.pdf
- stor_e.pdf
- tm-3_5.pdf
- tm-3_6.pdf
- tm-3_7.pdf
- tm-3_8.pdf
Filter Housings
Condensate/Moisture traps
- acccat-e.pdf
- accessories.pdf
- aeroguard.pdf
- cfs2s&m…cfs3s&m_containments_fill_stations.pdf
- cfs3_containment_fil_station.pdf
Please contact if the technical data you require is not available for download.