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Due to the urgency of addressing the HSE's Approved Requirements, the December newsletter was cancelled in favour of the circular that members received.
Thanks to those members who sent in a reply to the HSE proposed Approved Requirements, we fear that this is not the last we will hear of this. Once the principle is established, there will be little to prevent either European legislation or the HSE requiring that all testing be carried out  by an approved person. For this reason, ASSET will continue its dialogue with both HSE and UKAS in an effort to secure a means by which small test stations can become approved.
Members will be aware of the proposal that ASSET put to HSE in March 1997 for the self-regulation of our industry setting out ASSET's training, certification and approval scheme. This proposal was well received by HSE and has formed the basis of an ongoing dialogue ever since. Acting alone individual organisations often lack the finance, expertise, and strength to effectively deal with the growing tide of restriction and onerous legislation that may be imposed upon us. Consequently, there is a tendency  to be retroactive when we need to be proactive. It is always more difficult to persuade government to change its mind when wheels have been set in motion. One has only to consider the current problems concerning cylinder testing and the Carriage of dangerous goods legislation to realise that this is true.
ASSET, IDEST and SITA have done excellent work on an individual basis, however these efforts would benefit greatly from joint planning and co-ordination. Only by working together will we be taken seriously and stand a chance of having our voice heard before decisions are taken, instead of constantly being presented with  "faits accomplis".
Two meetings have taken place between ASSET, IDEST and SITA to discuss the possibility of combining the strengths of all three organisations for mutual benefit. The most recent meeting in January resulted in a set of proposals that if approved by ASSET members and the SITA Executive, will result in ASSET becoming an independent division of SITA with responsibility for technical standards.
The proposals are set out later in this newsletter.

All Memberships fall due for renewal on April 1st, you will find a renewal form enclosed with this News Letter. It is important to both you, ASSET, and the Industry    that you maintain your Membership, remember A.S.S.E.T. is the only organisation representing you the Technician .
Current Membership means  that  you are kept informed of issues affecting you and your work. This means that "you" have a voice in the Industry. Asset is working for you, representing you and your point of view , making sure your voice is heard. Please continue to support Asset by returning your membership renewal.
Together we can make a difference.


The need for the industry to pull together was discussed in the editorial, ever since the formation of ASSET we have endeavoured to maintain a dialogue with other organisations in the Recreational Diving Industry. Each organisation has had its own priorities and agenda, the inevitable result of which is duplication of effort and an obvious lack of strength and unity when viewed by others from outside the industry. Where Technical matters are concerned, ASSET has pioneered the development of codes of practice, training and qualifications for technicians. However the industry has been slow to take our work on board, although there are numerous indicators pointing to a need for urgency; it seems that a disaster is always required to concentrate peoples minds.
Last year we initiated formal negotiations with SITA and IDEST (IDEST is an independent division of SITA), to explore the possibility of combining the technical efforts of each organisation. The negotiations are at an advanced stage and have produced a series of proposals, under which:

  • ASSET would become a division of SITA on similar footing to IDEST; with its operational and technical independence guaranteed.

  • ASSET would retain its own management and technical standards committee.

  • The ASSET Chairman would have a seat on the SITA Executive committee.

  • SITA would make a commitment to provide sufficient funds for ASSET to continue its work.



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